How to Use trench warfare in a Sentence
trench warfare
The four years of trench warfare on the western front proved them wrong.
—The Economist, 25 Jan. 2018
The horrors of the trench warfare leave their mark as one by one each of the friends is killed.
—Los Angeles Times Staff, Los Angeles Times, 4 Nov. 2022
The fighting would hark back to the awful trench warfare of the First World War.
—Susan B. Glasser, The New Yorker, 9 Oct. 2023
The tank came to life in 1915 as a way to break the deadlock of trench warfare on the front lines of Western Europe.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 26 Feb. 2021
The nature of trench warfare led to high rates of facial injuries.
—Lindsey Fitzharris, Smithsonian Magazine, 1 July 2022
In this case, the kids would gain knowledge of trench warfare by being IN makeshift trenches.
—Chuck Yarborough,, 21 Jan. 2018
Politics as trench warfare has relieved the Democrats of the burden of thought.
—Daniel Henninger, WSJ, 19 Sep. 2018
In the past week, the tug-of-war between the city and the three scooter providers — Bird, LimeBike and Spin — has devolved into trench warfare.
—Matier & Ross, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 Apr. 2018
A million French soldiers had been killed in trench warfare.
—Erick Trickey, Smithsonian, 12 June 2017
Please, god, let trench warfare in all its forms be gone from this earth forever.
—Joseph Goodman | [email protected], al, 24 Sep. 2022
Looking to break the stalemate of trench warfare, the Germans turned to chemical weapons.
—Washington Post, 1 Aug. 2014
It’s hard to imagine trench warfare in fortresslike mountains where avalanches were as much a threat as artillery shelling.
—Washington Post, 27 Nov. 2019
For troops serving on the front lines during World War I, trench warfare was common practice.
—Jennifer Nalewicki, Smithsonian, 25 June 2019
Both films capture the sheer horror of trench warfare, and up-close deployment of new weapons, such as mustard gas.
—Chris Vognar, Los Angeles Times, 22 Feb. 2023
The years of trench warfare between cleanup crews and bad actors was laid out clearly in two images Monday.
—Phil Matier,, 22 Dec. 2019
Call it trench warfare: inches can be won, but at terrible cost.
—Charlotte Mendelson, The New Yorker, 29 July 2022
This is not to say that partisanship and trench warfare on climate change are going to recede like the world's ice sheets.
—Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 11 Oct. 2012
In eastern Ukraine, trench warfare grinds on against a backdrop of invasion fears.
—Los Angeles Times, 24 Jan. 2022
Both sides have poured troops, tanks and artillery into the city, where brutal trench warfare has drawn comparisons to World War I.
—Isabel Coles, WSJ, 20 Dec. 2022
There was plenty of trench warfare drills and players hit the bags during other sessions.
—, 9 Aug. 2021
Where trench warfare rages on, especially in an around the contested city of Bakhmut.
—CBS News, 30 Apr. 2023
In the mid 19th century, the British and the then Russian Empire were embedded in a terrible, mud laden trench warfare in the winter.
—Michael Gale, Forbes, 31 Dec. 2022
The evening's trench warfare was illustrated in two hard-fought swing districts in Virginia.
—Susan Page, USA TODAY, 10 Nov. 2022
The tank was invented to break the stalemate of trench warfare on World War I's European battlefields.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 15 Sep. 2016
That conviction came apart in the bloody years that followed, as machine-gun and trench warfare made mincemeat of visions of easy conquest.
—Charles L. Glaser, Foreign Affairs, 18 June 2024
By the end of 2022, the front lines had become a punishing arena of trench warfare, drone attacks, and artillery battles across frozen fields and villages.
—Alan Taylor, The Atlantic, 21 Feb. 2023
And in front-line areas, ferocious trench warfare is damaging fields, forests and rivers.
—Michael Birnbaum, Washington Post, 13 Mar. 2023
But also what's going on in the east is essentially trench warfare.
—CBS News, 8 Jan. 2023
There's trench warfare, a soaring block-party musical number, a car chase, a cabin in the woods: no complaints!
—Darren Franich,, 13 Aug. 2020
Instead, Russia has imposed on us years of trench warfare, as in the previous century.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 5 July 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'trench warfare.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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